#1 Because it works!!
PP-PVM – $17.95
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Provent-a-mite™ is the only patented, EPA & USDA approved product specifically labeled for use with all reptiles that has undergone more than 25 years of research, clinical testing and use to insure that it will effectively eradicate mites and ticks that feed on your reptiles. Unlike many other treatments, Provent-a-mite™ poses no potential harm to the host being treated when used as directed. No other product can make these claims!
Provent-a-mite™ is more effective and less expensive to use than other products to eradicate or prevent an infestation, with up to 4 times less required per treatment and is the only product proven to provide long term residual protection. Unlike all other products that stop working when or soon after they dry, Provent-a-Mite™ will bond to any treated surface and remain effective for up to 30 days or longer, continuously killing any potentially disease carrying mites or ticks. Once dry, Provent-a-Mite™ will not wash off and can be misted, wiped or washed without eliminating the effectiveness.
Provent-a-mite™ is the only product backed by EPA approved studies, confirming it can be used preventatively to protect your reptiles in addition to eradicating an existing outbreak. Simply treat substrate, racks, enclosure openings, etc. once a month as directed to kill any potentially disease carrying mites or ticks before they can infect your reptiles.
No other product is more effective, less expensive and
easier to use than Provent-a-mite™
It is unfortunate that some companies have to use false and misleading claims to try and make their products sound better.
Simple facts:
Provent-a-mite™ is the only product that is approved by the EPA & USDA for use with all species of reptiles, including tortoises. Some other products illegally make this claim when the product is only EPA approved for use with snakes or not EPA approved for use with reptiles at all.
With an application rate for Provent-a-mite™ of only 1 sec/ft2 compared to a rate of 4 sec/ft2 (4 times more based on manufactures label dosage rates) required with some other products, Provent-a-mite™ uses much less to treat an enclosure per application and will continue to remain effective for 30 days or more, making it less expensive than any other product to eradicate an infestation.
Provent-a-mite™ is specifically formulated for use with all reptiles and has been extensively tested to be sure it will not pose any health risk to a reptile, either acutely or chronically when used as directed. No other product has our patented formula and many other formulas, despite any claim, do use chemicals that may potentially harm your animals. Since all formulas are a trade secret, there is no way to tell. Only by using an EPA registered product specifically approved for use with all reptiles will you have the assurance and peace of mind that the product will not cause any adverse effects.
No current product can make any claim that it will kill eggs. Provent-a-mite™ is the only product that is proven to provide long-term residual protection, so it will kill any larval mites or ticks when they hatch and try to infest your reptiles. All other products quickly break down, becoming ineffective soon after drying.
Provent-a-mite™ uses a water based formula, instead of a solvent based mixture and has been tested extensively and used successfully for more than 25 years by leading zoos, breeders and hobbyists worldwide, assuring it will not create any health risk to your animals when used as directed.